Danes je 18.10.2024

Pogodba o zaposlitvi za določen čas s tujcem v angleškem jeziku (vzorec)

14.5.2024, , Vir: Verlag DashöferČas branja: 11 minut Pogodba o zaposlitvi za določen čas s tujcem v angleškem jeziku (vzorec)

Verlag Dashöfer

Odprite vzorec v Wordu.

Fixed-term employment contract with a foreigner (sample)

On the basis of Articles 11, 31, 54, to 58 of the Employment Relations Act ZDR-1 (Uradni list RS No. 21/2013 - hereinafter ZDR-1), the Act on Employment, Self-Employment and Work of Foreigners (Reg. No. 47/15, as amended - ZZSDT) and Collective Agreement (CA) for the activity ................ And after informing the employee of the applicable general acts of the employer... ...............

The company ..............., registered in the court register of legal entities of the District Court in Ljubljana under no. srg ..........., registration number ........., tax number ..........., represented by the director ....... ... hereinafter: the Employer)


Employee ................................... address: ...........................................................

PIN ............................, tax number: ..............................................

(Hereinafter: the Employee)

conclude the following


(Note: when hiring employees from Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is - mandatory use of bilingual employment contracts concluded by the employee and the employer since 8 January 2024.)

Article 1

The employment contract shall be concluded for fixed period of time. The parties note that the employment relates to a foreigner or a stateless person who has a uniform permit in accordance with the ZZSDT for a fixed period of time, i.e. for the period from ........... to ......... .

Article 2

The employee will start work on ......... and will be assigned to the workplace or type of work ........................... , which is classified in ............. tariff class of Collective Agreement.

Article 3

The employee will perform the work at the location ........... or on the field.

The employment contract shall be concluded for fixed period of time with full-time employment. The working week lasts 40 hours and